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Table 1 Operationalisation of frailty used in the current study (modified Fried criteria)

From: Use of a wearable accelerometer to evaluate physical frailty in people receiving haemodialysis

Frailty components

Fried phenotype criteria

Modified Fried criteria

1. Low gait speed (slowness)

Time to walk 15 feet (4.57 m) above a cut-off value stratified by gender and height:

Time to walk 15 feet (4.57 m) above a cut-off value stratified by gender and height (same criteria used by Fried et al. [17])



Height ≤ 173 cm

 ≥ 7 s

Height > 173 cm

 ≥ 6 s



Height ≤ 159 cm

 ≥ 7 s

Height > 159 cm

 ≥ 6 s

2. Low muscle strength (weakness)

Isometric handgrip test below a cut-off value stratified by gender and BMI:

Isometric handgrip test below a cut-off value stratified by gender and BMI (same criteria used by Fried et al. [17])



BMI ≤ 24

 ≤ 29 kg

BMI: 24.1 – 26

 ≤ 30 kg

BMI: 26.1 – 28

 ≤ 30 kg

BMI > 28

 ≤ 32 kg



BMI ≤ 23

 ≤ 17 kg

BMI: 23.1 – 26

 ≤ 17.3 kg

BMI: 26.1 – 29

 ≤ 18 kg

BMI > 29

 ≤ 21 kg

3. Low physical activity (inactivity)

Kcal/week of physical activity below a cut-off value stratified by gender (calculated using the standardised algorithm of the Short-Form Minnesota Leisure Time Activity Questionnaire):

Kcal/week of physical activity below a cut-off value stratified by gender (calculated using the standardised algorithm of the Short-Form International Physical Activity Questionnaire):


 < 383 kcal/week


 < 383 kcal/week


 < 270 kcal/week


 < 270 kcal/week

4. Poor endurance (exhaustion)

Answering ‘a moderate amount of the time’ or ‘most of the time’ to the following two statements from the CES-D questionnaire: 1) ‘I felt that everything I did was an effort’, 2) ‘I could not get going’

Vitality score < 55 using the SF-36 questionnaire [25]

5. Weight loss (shrinkage)

Unintended weight loss ≥ 10 lbs (4.54 kg) in the previous 12 months

Unintended weight loss ≥ 10 lbs (4.54 kg) in the previous 12 months (same criteria used by Fried et al. [17])

  1. BMI Body mass index, CES-D Center for Epidemiological Studies–Depression scale, SF-36 36-Item Short Form Health Survey