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Table 1 Characteristics of the population

From: Economic burden of in-hospital AKI: a one-year analysis of the nationwide French hospital discharge database


AKI stays (N = 415,067)

No-AKI stays (N = 26,502,765)

Whole population (N = 26,917,832)

Hospital status


51,079 (12.3)

8,654,271 (32.7)

8,705,350 (32.3)


363,988 (87.7)

17,848,494 (67.3)

18,212,482 (67.7)

Stay characteristics


 -From home

136,269 (32.8)

21,580,666 (81.4)

21,716,935 (80.7)

 -From another hospital MSO

42,531 (10.2)

465,526 (1.8)

508,057 (1.9)

 -From ER


4,296,995 (16.2)

4,524,372 (16.8)


 -To home

238,392 (57.4)

24,726,121 (93.3)

24,964,513 (92.7)

 -To another hospital MSO

50,507 (12.2)

644,588 (2.4)

695,095 (2.6)

 -To rehabilitation care

50,215 (12.1)

618,619 (2.3)

668,834 (2.5)

Main diagnosis at admissiona

 -Other forms of heart diseases

60,736 (14.6)

877,232 (3.3)

937,968 (3.4)

 -Renal failure (including AKI)

51,564 (12.5)

132,141 (0.5)

183,705 (0.7)

 -Persons encountering health services for specific procedures and health care

30,010 (7.2)

9,428,443 (35.6)

9,458,453 (35.1)

 -Influenza and pneumonia

20,781 (5)

210,870 (0.8)

231,651 (0.9)

Risk factors


83,553 (20.1)

337,990 (1.3)

421,543 (1.6)


75,797 (18.3)

7,450,610 (28.1)

7,526,407 (28.0)

 -Heart failure


514,199 (1.9)

610,872 (2.3)


109,004 (26.3)

1,339,975 (5.1)

1,448,979 (5.4)

 -Chronic kidney disease

111,746 (26.9)

3,238,058 (12.2)

3,349,804 (12.4)

Treatments during hospital stay


49,853 (12)

77,912 (0.3)

127,765 (0.5)

 -Mechanical ventilation

44,900 (10.8)

121,258 (0.5)

166,158 (0.6)

 -RRT for AKI

40,436 (9.7)

0 (0.0)

40,436 (0.2)

  -Oxygen delivery

57 028 (13.7)

328 014 (1.2)

385 042 (1.4)

 Death during stay

59,338 (14.3)

237,673 (0.9)

297,011 (1.1)

 Length of stay, mean (SD), days

12.5 (14.7)

2.3 (6.1)

2.5 (6.4)

 ICU admission during stay (yes)

71,277 (17.2)

208,265 (0.8)

279,542 (1.0)

 -Length of ICU stay, mean (SD), days

19.4 (22.2)

10.1 (13.9)

11.4 (15.6)

Patient characteristics

 Age, mean (SD), years

74.2 (16.4)

55.8 (23.9)

56.0 (23.9)

 Male sex

235,554 (56.8)

12,657,336 (47.8)

12,892,890 (47.9)

  1. Results are expressed as number (percentage), unless specified
  2. aThe four most represented categories of ICD-10 codes among AKI-stays
  3. MSO Medical Surgical and Obstetrical Units, ER Emergency Room, MV Mechanical Ventilation, ECC Extracorporeal Circulation, AKI Acute Kidney Injury, RRT Renal Replacement Therapy, ICU Intensive Care Unit (excluding intermediate care units), SD Standard Deviation